Bryan Bedard's Blog
My adventures in software development, mistakes and all.
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Welcome to Mistakes and All

Posted by Bryan Bedard - 10/10/2016

Welcome to my new blog, Mistakes and All! Here I will share my adventures in software development. Throughout my life I have been on an unending journey of learning. When it comes to software, there is always something new to learn and no matter how much experience I have, I still make plenty of mistakes along the way. Hence, the title of the blog. I intend to share my experiences, “mistakes and all.” I don’t always get it right the first time and hopefully by sharing my mistakes it will save you from making the same ones.

Outside of my work as a software developer I am also an amateur pianist. I plan to use this blog to share videos of songs I perform on the piano. When it comes to playing piano, I’m definitely a bit of a hacker and I make mistakes all the time. However, I still want to push myself to share these videos. I’m not going to wait for the perfect take. If there are mistakes, so be it. I’m recording them for me, my family and my friends and hopefully you’ll enjoy them too even if they contain a few flubbed notes here and there.

I welcome your feedback. Please use the comment feature to share your thoughts.

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanBedard


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